Henry Clarence Whaite: Elaine's Last Journey
Henry Clarence Whaite: The Legend of Geriant and Enid (In Brown)
Henry Clarence Whaite: The Legend of Geriant and Enid (In Black)
Henry Clarence Whaite: Cottage in a Wooded Landscape
Henry Clarence Whaite: Landscape with a Big Farm House
Henry Clarence Whaite: Who Would True Valour See...
Henry Clarence Whaite: And Did Those Feet in Ancient Time...
Henry Clarence Whaite: Farm House
Henry Clarence Whaite: If Joy, The Golden Bird, Would Fly...
Henry Clarence Whaite: Yorkshire House with Two People in Front
Henry Clarence Whaite: St. Faith of Conques
Henry Clarence Whaite: St. Christopher Carrying Christ
Henry Clarence Whaite: St Christopher Carrying Christ
Henry Clarence Whaite: The Alfred Jewel